The "Digital Animated Graphic Novel" is a new graphic style to meet the needs and capabilities of NFTs. It´s a mixture of storyboard, animatic (short animations) and graphic novel.
The world's most famous empress, Sisi, and her younger cousin, the so called "Fairy Tale King" Ludwig II, were born in Bavaria. At the age of 22, resp. 14, they founded a secret society together with another world-famous Bavarian. The third founder was born in the university of Ingolstadt, in the years 1778 - 1780. This date is not vague due to missing data. It was less a birth than a genesis. The third founder was Frankenstein's nameless monster.
At day, they are your average empresses, kings and creatures put together from body parts, just like you and me. At night, the ROYAL MONSTERS fight the crimes of the 19th century. From Europe's high aristocracy down to its darkest slums and encounter men, monsters and mysteries, not at all different from those in our times.